Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Sun Has Set On The Empire

The proud British tradition as we know it appears to be over.

The land that many once believe would be the New Jerusalem - Christ's earthly domain on his second coming - has been turned into a politically correct playground for lunatics such as the rather unArab-sounding prat by the name of Chris Doyle.

This self-loathing racist idiot is the director of the noble sounding Council for Arab-British Understanding whose aims are:

We believe that the need for mutual understanding and sympathy between the people of Britain and the people of the Arab world was never more vital than at the present time.

Britain and the Arabs have a long tradition of mutual respect and friendship; they have much to admire in each other's way of life and the principles to which both peoples adhere.

We have sympathy for the aspirations, achievements and rights of the Arab peoples, especially the Arabs of Palestine, for whose administration Britain was responsible until 1948, and whose case must not be permitted to go by default.

In a changing world, British opinion can contribute much to relieving the tensions and causes of distress in the Middle East by demonstrating understanding and a concern for justice, and by urging appropriate action.

So how does Mr Doyle demonstrate his organisation's commitment to 'mutual respect and friendship'?

By demanding that the British flag and national symbols are changed.

Chris Doyle, director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, said Tuesday the red (St George's - Nora) cross was an insensitive reminder of the Crusades...

...Doyle added that it was now time for England to find a new flag and a patron saint who is "not associated with our bloody past and one we can all identify with."

All because some prison offers wore a St George Cross badge bought as a fundraiser for cancer research.

Chris Doyle (perhaps he should change his name since it is a reference to Christ) is evil and so displeasure at his vile, racist suggestion can be expressed to the association through this e-mail address

We've helpfully added in the subject line for you. It reads "Chris Doyle Is A Racist".

Before you roll your eyes and think, 'well isn't that typical', Nicky and I encourage you to make your voice heard on this and other issues.

Ten years ago, 'political perverts' like Doyle would be ignored by the media as a fool. Now he is getting column inches and being taken seriously.

It has to stop.

-- Nora

(Hit Tip: Little Green Footballs)

UPDATE: I'm jealous! Nilknarf has got a response from Chris Doyle. We're still waiting for ours. I'm not sure we'll get one since we sent him the above post.

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