Thursday, September 22, 2005

Pell Spells Out The Issues

Catholic archibishop George Pell, clearly articulates the issues facing the next generation thanks to our friends the social engineers in the education industry.

He makes the link between 'critical literacy', literary and moral relativism and radicalisation of beliefs:

"My generation has had the benefit of learning from the tradition, and thus we can critique it. To give youngsters all critique and no foundation leaves them rudderless," he said.

"School syllabuses or university courses in which great works of literature and the study of history are dismissed as 'elitist' or relevant only to the 'dominant ethnic and social group' dismantle the sense of an objective reality in young people," he said.

Read all of it.

Note to non-religious types: You'd be well advised to read this too, not to get sermon but to get up to speed on what's going wrong with society.

-- Nick and Nora

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