Monday, October 17, 2005

Nora Gets Burned With Lara

This menage a trois is not working. Lara and I have tried to work it out by ourselves but we need outside help.

Nicky has been observing our burgeoning relationship and is quite happy to watch, however that still doesn't help me get through the Sanctuary of Flame level of Tomb Raider 6.

For the past three days Lara and I have grappled with trying to get to the other side of the molten lake but we're not fast enough.

Has anyone played the game and offer any constructive help or cheats?

-- Nora

UPDATE: Lara and I did it! We made it through the level after Nicky gave me some very sage advice: "They don't make these games to frustrate you, you know."

In deed he is right. If I had excerised a little more patience instead of Lara and I heaping into danger, then we would have all the time in the world in make it through the molten pit.

Lara and I are still friends and Nick still likes to watch - but when he and James Bond team up on the PS2...Mmmmm testosterone...

Thank you Nilknarf and Caz (maybe fudge too, I'm still not sure...)

-- Nora

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