Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm Late, I'm Late For A Very Important Date

While browsing the news I came across this story: Abortion clinics forced to counsel.

Good, I thought. Women can be made aware of the choice they have and make an informed decision one way or another. Hopefully it will be to keep the child they have helped create, even if they elect to give the baby up for adoption.

Imagine my shock when I came across this paragraph:

The changes follow new figures which show the number of late-term abortions for psychological reasons in Victoria almost doubled last year.

"We've had an increase in the number of women seeking late-term abortions, and an increase in the number of young women seeking late-term abortions," she said.

Late-term abortions for psychological reasons? Hello??

I'll start with my mandatory disclaimer that while I believe abortion should be available for women who have been raped or whose life is in mortal danger if they carry a child, abortion should never, ever be used as a form of contraception.

Counselling for late term abortion should be along the lines of:

"Too late dearie. This is something you should have considered before now - after all, gestation is nine months in the making. This is beyond the point of no return - you are commited to this roller coaster ride now and you only get off when you've given birth to this fellow human being.

"Worried about your figure? Worried that you're beginning show? Too bad. You should have thought about that months ago. Better still, thought about it before you got shit-faced while out clubbing and acted like a slut.

"It might be news to you but sexual intercourse is the only guaranteed way to get pregnant.

"You might remember that next time.

"Or not.

"What's your IQ again? You may actually be too stupid to be allowed to breed anyway."

Harsh? Probably - I've been taking ranting lessons from Jai Normosone.

But I assert we've evolved into such a convenience based society. If something is too much like hard work we try to get rid of it. That's fine when we're talking about technological innovation that saves time and lives.

That's not fine when we are talking about culling human beings because they are inconvenient.

-- Nora

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