Saturday, August 26, 2006

I'm Sorry Too

Muslim terrorists win again:

THE Dutch ambassador to India had expressed regret for the arrest of 12 passengers whose India-bound airliner was diverted to Amsterdam after their behaviour triggered fears of a hijacking, a government minister said today.

The 12 men, all Muslims... were arrested on Wednesday from a US Northwest Airlines flight that was turned back to Amsterdam after they apparently behaved suspiciously...

"It's an incident which is not only unfortunate, it should have never happened," junior foreign minister Anand Sharma said.

Their families said they were victims of racial discrimination...

"... Our children are terrorists? We are terrorists because we are Muslims?" asked Abdul Kadir Kolsiwala, father of Ayub Kolsiwala, one of those arrested.

"These are times of suspicion and distrust and we Muslims have to bear the brunt," he said.
The 12 men were:

...exchanging seats and fidgeting with their mobile phones. "I think the men raised the crew's suspicion because they were not listening to them and changing their seats," said Nitin Dalal, a passenger on the detained flight.
Meanwhile, other Muslims are not terrorists news in the last 24 hours.

-- Nick

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